The Cowgirl Manifesto: There are bones of a poem which tug at heartstrings And jerk tears from his eyes. A medium since lost to algorithm and mechanical emotions. As he reads further, it’s a list. A to do. Some instructions, yelling - Don’t look back! You must never look back. To act without conscience, Free from loyalty to any movement. A way of life to live for himself, Always reaching for the highest shelf With no possibility it could be any different He denies that he plays any real, held part The Red Sea like Moses - a divine child he’s told By parents whose intentions are humane Death is questionable in a world where We aren't taught to question What we are taught, is to consume. That we are prized, heroic pieces of a puzzle That we are autonomous And that they are wranglers But there’s no mention of the Big Picture The big Ranch, or the Big Data This human centric perspective Developed through lifetimes of inconsequential action toward an inevitable destruction of our beloved mother We coral information With no respect for its’ matter Its’ subject matter The substance of matter The quality of matter Matter as a physical, and as a digital As though the two aren’t interconnected As though the digital is independent As though the essence of digital is so different to that which we can hold His essence has been removed, Whether he likes it or not Without the wind, or the rain, or the sun What’s really left? The night Where magic happens People become shadows of themselves Faceless, nameless, sexually liberated But for him there’s a yellow fog It rubs on windows, licking it’s tongue into the corners of his evening Haunting him, he walks faster He must beat the night home Be safe in bed Curled up in the bosom of his wife Where he can dream: She is benediction She is the root connection She is connecting with me He acts He withdraws He imports money into his drawers and calls it a looong day of data He takes the money as a bonus And that’s the worst part, He takes And there’s no giving back, There’s no looking back To look back requires questions A discreet quest for more. The idea that it’s each man for himself Forgets that the value of a group Is greater than the sum of its parts And if we’re all part this And part that, I’m part Cowgirl and you’re part me Then we’re all just Cowgirls And we gotta sling too